User Agreements
Institutional Agreements Required to Access User Facilities at DOE National Laboratories
SLAC ensures compliance with U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security’s Entity List and Unverified List requirements when hosting Foreign Nationals. Export control requirements are subject to change, and Users and Hosts understand that SLAC is responsible for compliance with such changes when hosting Foreign Nationals.
A User Agreement is required for all users and MUST be executed by the appropriate officer(s) at the user's institution BEFORE users can access our user facilities or participate in any experiments at SLAC. A single DOE User Agreement covers all experimenters from that institution for research conducted at the LCLS, SSRL and the S2C2, SCSC, and FACET-II programs at the Stanford-SLAC CryoEM Facility at SLAC. A separate agreement or addendum must be signed for access to the CryoEM Facility that does not fall under the S2C2 and SCSC programs. The signing official must have the authority to complete the user agreement on behalf of their scientists. The institution official is often the Dean, President, Vice President or Director of Research, Development, Administration, Contracts, Grants, Sponsored Programs, or Technology Transfer.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please review the User Agreement General Comments that answer frequently asked questions.
►DOE User Agreements — send completed agreements to Azeb Amii, VUE Center Coordinator, (650) 926-4922.
(For general use research; no cost for access)
(For Confidential or Proprietary Research; requires advance payment. Review conditions and requirements)
(NPU agreements may only be extended if no changes were made to the DOE template agreement and if the Written Consent to Renew document is signed and returned by authorized institution official before the existing NPU agreement expires)
►Cryo-EM — send completed agreements to Cara Laasch, Manager, SSRL User Research Administration, (650) 926-3191. (Note: Proposals for the S2C2 and SCSC programs are covered by the SSRL/LCLS umbrella agreement)
(For access to CryoEM Facility when no other User Agreement with SLAC is currently in effect)
(For CryoEM access when a User Agreement covering experiments at the LCLS and SSRL is currently in effect. Note: The addendum is not needed for CryoEM experiments submitted through the S2C2 and SCSC programs.)
Check the list below to confirm if a current user agreement exists with your institution, or contact us for assistance.